A |
Wrightscapes - Frank Lloyd Wrights LandscapeDesigns
Charles and Berdeana Aguar
Frank Lloyd Wright the early work
Ashbee, C. R; Kaufmann, Edgar; Wright, Frank Lloyd
B |
Works and projects
Baeza, Alberto Campo de
Dan Hanganu- Works, 1981-2015
Baniassad, Essy
Broken Glass: Mies van der Rohe, Edith Farnsworth, and the Fight Over a Modernist Masterpiece
Beam, Alex
Le Corbusier: To Live-Bessett P
Besset, Maurice
Zaha Hadid: Complete Buildings And Projects
Betsky, Aaron
The master builders : Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright
Blake, Peter
Mies Van Der Rohe: Architecture and Structure
Peter Blake
Philip Johnson
Blake, Peter
Mies van der Rohe Farnsworth House: Weekend House / Wochenendhaus
Werner Blaser, Peter Palumbo, K. Steiner, B. Almberg
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Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas: Essays on the History of Ideas
Ingrid Böck
Le Corbusier (World of Art)
Boesiger, Willy
The Nature of Frank Lloyd Wright
Bolon, Carol R
Oscar Niemeyer
Botey, Josep M.
Kenzo Tange: Makers Of Contemporary Architecture
Boyd, Robin |
The Getty Center : Richard Meier & Partners
Brawne, Michael
Louis I. Kahn: In the Realm of Architecture: Condensed
David B. Brownlee
Architecture and modern life
Brownell, Baker
50 Architects 50 Buildings: The Buildings That Inspire Architects
Buxton, Pamela
C |
Mies Van Der Rohe at Work
Carter, Peter
Architecture 06 the guide to the RIBA awards
Chapman, Tony
David Chipperfield Architectural Works 1990-2002
Chipperfield, David
David Chipperfield : 2006-2010 ; conciliacion de contrarios
Chipperfield, David
Le Corbusier
Françoise Choay
Mies Van Der Rohe's Farnsworth House
Clemence, Paul
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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Jean Louis Cohen
Frank Gehry, Architect: The Art of Architecture (Guggenheim Museum Publications)
Cohen, Jean-Louis
Urban Textures Yves Lion
Cohen, Jean-Louis
Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes
Cohen, Jean-Louis
Ricardo Bofill
Cruels, Bartomeu
Towards a New Architecture
Le Corbusier
Toward an architecture
Le Corbusier
The Chapel at Ronchamp
Le Corbusier
City of Tomorrow
Le Corbusier
Concerning Town Planning
Le Corbusier
The decorative art of today
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier Ideas and Forms
William J. R. Curtis
Rem Koolhaas: Oma
Aurora Cuito
Foster and Partners
Cuito, Aurora
D |
Kevin Roche
Dal Co, Francesco
Tadao Ando: complete works
Dal Co, Francesco |
Mario Botta, architecture, 1960-1985
Dal Co, Francesco
Hopkins: The Work of Michael Hopkins and Partners
Davies, Colin
Robbrecht en Daem: Pacing Through Architecture
Delbeke, Maarten
Architects' dream houses
Delorme, Jean-Claude
In the cause of architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright with a symposium on arthitecture with and without Wright, new assessments by eight who knew him
Devane, Andrew
Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier: The Great Dialogue
Doremus, Thomas
E |
An Eames Primer
Eames Demetrios
Eisenman Architects: Selected and Current Works
Eisenman , Peter
Evenson, Norma
F |
Starchitects: Visionary Architects of the Twenty-first Century
Fajardo, Julio
Le Corbusier: Les Quartiers Modernes Fruges/the Quartiers Modernes Fruges
Ferrand, Marylène
Makers of Modern Architecture, Volume II: From Le Corbusier to Rem Koolhaas
Martin Filler
Makers of Modern Architecture, Volume III: From Antoni Gaudí to Maya Lin
Martin Filler
Alvaro Siza
Fleck, Brigitte |
Richard Meier
Frampton, Kenneth
Tadao Ando buildings, projects, writings
Frampton, Kenneth
Charles Correa
Frampton, Kenneth
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Alberto Campo Baeza- v.4 (Contemporary World Architects S.)
Frampton, Kenneth
Le Corbusier: Architect and Visionary (World of Art)
Frampton, Kenneth
Le Corbusier, Designer: Furniture, 1929
Fusco, Renato De
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Tadao Ando
Masao Furuyama
Siza Alvaro (Global Architecture Document Extra)
Futagawa, Yukio
Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright
Futagawa, Yukio
Frank Lloyd Wright
Futagawa, Yukio
Philip Johnson
Futagawa, Yukio
Mies van der Rohe
Futagawa, Yukio
G |
Zaha Hadid: BMW Central Building
Gannon, Todd |
The Corbusier Guide
Deborah Gans
Le Corbusier
Gardiner, Stephen
Le Corbusier: Architect, Painter, Writer
Giedion, S.
Marmol Radziner + Associates: Between Architecture and Construction
Goldberger, Paul
Mario Botta light and gravity architecture, 1993-2003
Gresleri, Giuliano
The New Architecture and the Bauhaus
Walter Gropius
The Ideas of Le Corbusier: Architecture and Urban Planning
Guiton, Jacques
Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture Selected Writings 1894 1940
Gutheim, Frederick Albert
H |

Skizzen Sketches Architecture
Hadid, Zaha |
Zaha Hadid: Architecture and Design
Zaha Hadid
Заха Хадид. Архитектура нового времени
Zaha Hadid Architects
Alvar Aalto and the architecture of Finland
Hamilton, Scott D., Jr.
La Tourette: The Le Corbusier Monastery
Henze, Anton
The dream of the factory-made house: Walter Gropius and Konrad Wachsmann
Gilbert Herbert
In the nature of materials, 1887-1941 the buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright
Hitchcock, Henry Russell
Richard Meier, Museum für Kunsthandwerk Frankfurt am Main
Huse, Norbert
I |
J |
Jackson, Neil |
Public Bildings
Arne Jacobsen
Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture
Charles Jencks
Le Corbusier And The Continual Revolucion In Architecture
Jencks C.
The houses of Philip Johnson
Jenkins, Stover
Philip Johnson/John Burgee: Architecture 1979-1985
Philip Johnson, John Burgee, Carleton Knight
Mario Botta
Jodidio, Philip
Norman Foster
Philip Jodidio
Richard Meier Architecture Design
Philip Jodidio
Zaha Hadid
Jodidio, Philip |
Valode & Pistre Architects
Jodidio, Philip
K |
Louis Kahn: Conversations with Students
Louis I. Kahn
Chandigarh: The Making of an Indian City
Kalia, Ravi
Frank Lloyd Wright at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kaufmann, Edgar , Jr.
Mies van der Rohe's Krefeld Villas
Kent Kleinman, Leslie Van Duzer
Koolhaas, Rem |
OMA Rem Koolhaas living, vivre, Leben
Koolhaas, Rem |
Mies Van Der Rohe The Built Work
Carsten Krohn
L |
Le Corbusier: ∗precisions∗: On The Present State O F Architecture & City Planning: On the Present State of Architecture and City Planning
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier Sketchbooks 1914–1948: volume 1
Le Corbusier
Modulor, I and II
Le Corbusier |
Toward an architecture
Le Corbusier
The man in the Glass House: Philip Johnson, architect of the modern century
Lamster, Mark
Louis I. Kahn : Unbuilt Masterworks
Kent Larson
Frank Lloyd Wright: From Within Outward
Levine, Neil |
The Architecture of Richter & Dahl Rocha
Liernur, Jorge Francisco
Between Silence and Light: Spirit in the Architecture of Louis I. Kahn
John Lobell, Louis I. Kahn
M |
Fumihiko Maki buildings and projects
Maki, Fumihiko
Investigations in Collective Form
Maki, Fumihiko |
Masao Furuyama
Tadao Ando
Masao Furuyama
Louis I Kahn
Robert McCarter
McCarter, Robert
Frank Lloyd Wright
McCarter, Robert
Frank Lloyd Wright
McCarter, Robert
Gropius: the man who built the Bauhaus
MacCarthy, Fiona
Five California Architects
McCoy, Esther |
Richard Neutra
McCoy, Esther |
Richard Meier the architect as designer and artist
Meier, Richard
Architectural Monographs
Mies Van Der Rohe
Helmut Jahn
Miller, Nory
Contemporary Architects
Morgan, Anne Lee |
N |
Dinner for Architects: A Collection of Napkin Sketches
Nerdinger, Winfried
Baumschlager - Eberle 2002-2007 : Architektur, Menschen und Ressourcen = Architecture, People and Resources
Nerdinger, Winfried
Aesthetics and Technology in Building
Pier Luigi Nervi
The Artless Word: Mies van der Rohe on the Building Art
Neumeyer, Fritz
Survival Through Design
Neutra, Richard Joseph |
Frank Lloyd Wright and Japan
Nute, Kevin
O |
P |
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Oscar Niemeyer
Papadaki, Stamo
Foster Associates: Recent Works (Architectural Monographs, No. 20)
Papadakis, Andreas
Chora 1: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
Perez-Gomez, Alberto |
Chora 2: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
Perez-Gomez, Alberto
Chora 3: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
Perez-Gomez, Alberto
Chora 4: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
Perez-Gomez, Alberto
Frank Lloyd Wright collected writings
Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Frank Lloyd Wright
Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959: Building for Democracy
Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
Pioneers of Modern Design, From William Morris to Walter Gropius
Nikolaus Pevsner
The Oral History of Modern Architecture: Interviews With the Greatest Architects of the Twentieth Century
John Peter
Philip Johnson: The Constancy of Change
Petit, Emmanuel |
Atlantis: A Journey in Search of Beauty
Piano; Carlo, Renzo
The Renzo Piano logbook
Piano, Renzo
Renzo Piano and Building Workshop buildings and projects, 1971-1989
Piano, Renzo
The Power of Ideas: Five People Who Changed the Urban Landscape
Porter, Douglas R. |
Conversations with Mies van der Rohe
Moisés Puente
Q |
Fear of Glass: Mies van der Rohe's Pavilion in Barcelona
Quetglas, Josep
Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House architecture as portraiture
Quinan, Jack
R |
A Living Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Taliesin Architects
John Rattenbury
Architects Today
Rattenbury, Kester |
Frank Lloyd Wright, architect
Riley, Terence
S |
Mario Botta: Architectural Poetics (Universe Architecture Series)
Sakellaridou, Irena
Fumihiko Maki an aesthetic of fragmentation
Salat, Serge
Oscar Niemeyer
Salvaing, Matthieu
Le Corbusier in detail
Flora Samuel
Philip Johnson: Life and Work
Franz Schulze
Frank Lloyd Wright
Scully, Vincent Joseph |
Louis I. Kahn
Scully, Vincent Joseph |
Mario Campi & Franco Pessina
Seligman W.
Le Corbusier in Perspective
Serenyi, Peter
Alvar Aalto Houses
Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen, Jari Jetsonen
Frank Lloyd Wright. America's Master Architect
Kathryn Smith
Urban structuring- studies of Alison & Peter Smithson
Smithson, Alison Margaret
Changing the Art of Inhabitation
Smithson, Alison
Gehry talks architecture + process
Sorkin, Michael |
Paul Rudolph
Spade, Rupert
Raumplan Vs Plan Libre - Loos, Le Corbusier
Unpacking My Library: Architects and their Books
Steffens, Jo
The Philip Johnson tapes interviews by Robert A.M.
Stern, Robert A. M.
The Architecture of Rasem Badran: Narratives on People and Place
Steele, James
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The Chapel at Ronchamp (Building Block) (Building Block S.)
Stoller, Ezra |
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog, 4th Edition
Storrer, William Allin
The Architecture of Richard Rogers
Sudjic, Deyan |
Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling : new directions in British architecture
Sudjic, Deyan
Norman Foster: A Life in Architecture
Sudjic, Deyan |
Norman Foster and the British Museum
Sudjic, Deyan
Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling : new directions in British architecture
Sudjic, Deyan
Genius and the Mobocracy
Sullivan, Louis Henry
T |
Mies Van Der Rohe The Villas and Country Houses
Tegethoff, Wolf
The Pritzker Architecture Prize the first twenty years
Thorne, Martha
Mathias Klotz
Torrent, Horacio |
Norman Foster
Treiber, Daniel
Toyo Ito Forces of Nature
Jessie Turnbull
The Education of Le Corbusier
Turner, Paul Venable
U |
V |
Le Corbusier the Noble Savage: Toward an Archaeology of Modernism
Vogt, Adolf Max
W |
The Bauhaus group: six masters of modernism
Weber, Nicholas Fox
Louis I. Kahn: The Library at Phillips Exeter Academy
Glenn E. Wiggins
The natural house
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Frank Lloyd Wright, writings and buildings
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Frank Lloyd Wright his life, his work, his words
Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd
Letters to architects
Wright, Frank Lloyd
The Story of the Tower: The Tree that Escaped the Crowded Forest
Wright , Frank Lloyd
Modern Architecture: Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930
Wright , Frank Lloyd
An Autobiography
Wright, Frank Lloyd
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When Democracy Builds
Wright , Frank Lloyd
An American Architecture
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Drawings and plans of Frank Lloyd Wright the early period (1893-1909)
Wright, Frank Lloyd
The Living City
Wright, Frank Lloyd
The Future of Architecture
Wright, Frank Lloyd
X |
Y |
Z |
Alvar Aalto: Das Gesamtwerk / L'oeuvre compléte / The Complete Work (3 Volumes) |
El Croquis OMA / Rem Koolhaas
Itsuko Hasegawa: Selected and Current Works
Foster catalogue 2001 |
The Pritzker Architecture Prize, 1999 : Presented to Sir Norman Foster |
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Richard Meier Architect (1992-1998)
Richard Meier Architect
Villa Tugendhat
Total fluidity : Studio Zaha Hadid projects 2000-2010, University of Applied Arts Vienna |
One hundred houses for one hundred architects |
Tadao Ando, 1983–1993 |
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A49: An Asian Spirit in Contemporary Design (Architects) |
Fifty Works By Le Corbusier : Paintings, Drawings, Collages And Sculpture Created Between The Years 1919 And 1964 |
Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 1: 1910-1929: Volume 1: 1910-1929
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 2: 1929-1934: Volume 2: 1929-1934
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Complete work Volume 3: 1934-1938: Volume 3: 1934-1938
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Complete work Volume 4: 1938-1946: Volume 4: 1938-1946
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Œuvre complète Volume 5: 1946-1952: Volume 5: 1946-1952
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Complete work Volume 6: 1952-1957: Volume 6: 1952-1957
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Complete work Volume 7: 1957-1965: Volume 7: 1957-1965
Boesiger, Willy
Le Corbusier - Complete work Volume 8: 1965-1969: Volume 8: 1965-1969 The last works / The Last Works / Die letzten Werke
Boesiger, Willy